I am a girl. A girl in a very large family to most, but to me, just the right size. There are nine of us kids with two parents that love each other. No, we are not Mormons and no, my parents have never been separated. In the midst of all the family, friends, love and chaos, I am finding myself. It's a funny concept to go around finding yourself, seeing as you have always been with yourself and have never lost yourself, so there would be no need of the finding. But the finding for me, deep in my heart, is more of a building up of what was all ready there. Kind of like pulling away weeds and flowers to reveal the cornerstone of a beautiful house. I take pictures and write because sometimes I just can't say what I mean to say because I can't find the words to say it. I often say funny things to convey what I mean. Sometimes it even works. Other times I take pictures just to remember things that happened or write things just because I'm bored. Even in these every day things that I might take for granted I find bits and peaces of myself. So I am a finder, I am daughter, granddaughter, aunt, cousin, friend, and sister. I am a girl and this is my blog.
Copyright Ana Blue. All rights Reserved. All photos and words belong to me unless otherwise stated. It is illegal to use this content without permission.